Painful Nasal Cavity Think I Damaged My Nasal Cavity?

Think i damaged my nasal cavity? - painful nasal cavity

the last two days my allergies have been bad, I've tried almost everything to get it under control. I have a nasal spray, which worked very well .... But Im afraid that my nose may have damaged / mucosal

because I did not say (that the exact cause was) I feel like the air we breathe in heated barns, is not all ... in turn, made my sore throat pain and breathing through the nose. I would say not painful .... is extremely sensitive as the shape of the nose would you feel if you were long in the winter.

I'm now on my allergies, I'm not busy ... although I noticed that you do not, they can smell / taste .... in principle be as rare as it sounds, his breathing is uncomfortable ... Well, I must breathe sooo suggestions? Thoughts? Thank you!


cindy k said...

You must go to the nose, throat doc. I had surgury in the nose due to allergies, and you do not want this, but do not live that way. The RX willnt damage nasal spray, but most of the bar ...... Please read the document reviews ...

dabigpoo... said...

Well, the best idea that some of dat hot rubber

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